Essential tools every writer should have

Writers need many tools to write down perfectly and here are some perfect tools for you.

The first step to writing quality content is having the necessary tools. When you do anything without the required tools, life becomes stressful and challenging. This should not be the case.

Good writing skills go hand in hand with great experience. You start at a low-level writing school essays and assignments before becoming an expert. When you receive a write my homework request from a classmate, you know you’re writing skills are being appreciated.

As a writer, having the right tools is the best way to treat yourself, but which are the right tools? Below is a list of tools every writer should have.

  1. A good desktop or laptop

A good laptop or desktop provides a smooth working environment. A good laptop does not overheat, does not make loud noises and is not always on charge. It will not slow you down when writing your articles. 

It is necessary to invest resources in your tools. If you are using a laptop, you will also need a mouse, wireless keyboard and a laptop stand. They will save you from constant neck and backaches.

2. A comfortable and a dedicated writing place

A good place should have no distractions. It should keep you focused. Dedicate a section of your room for writing purposes only. Your mind will know that when you are seated in that place, you mean business. 

What is a good writing place? You should maybe light a candle before you write, select some background music and have a bunch of beautiful flowers on your desk!

In a thesis writing process, you need an organized clean desk, a comfortable chair and a desk lamp. A comfortable chair will prevent constant backaches.

Life will always find a way to frustrate. You should be kind to yourself; life should not always be a struggle. One way of being kind is by being comfortable when doing your work. It makes you even more productive.

3. Google Docs or Microsoft word

You need a good writing software to be productive. Google Docs is better for sharing your documents easily. It also saves your work automatically so you will never lose data.

Microsoft word is a good choice too. It has many exemplary formatting features than Google Docs. If you need a free writing software, use the libre office. 

4. Scrivener

Ever heard of it! Scrivener is famous with fiction writers. It allows organizing your notes into bundles of various writings. These can be different ideas, plot settings, character descriptions, research, chapters etc.

Scrivener makes accessing your notes easy. You can check them anytime and play around with them.

5. A printer or access to one

Printing your articles gives a fresh look to your work. You can easily go through your work while editing. It will be easier to find errors and remove them.

When writing a book, it allows you to see the book in a reader’s perspective, and see if it flows. You can also print the work you love, some inspiring books or anything you want to study in depth.

6. A camera

Inspiration or news ideas come from different things. You might find some writings on a wall that inspires a new writing idea, an advert that fills you with motivation or a book cover that you love.

You never know what inspires you. A good camera will help you capture everything that you find useful.

Your phone’s camera might suffice. If it isn’t, or if you want a separate camera, buy a small one that you can carry anywhere.

7. Journals

Every writer must have a notebook or a journal. You can be travelling and something inspiring comes to mind. If you have a journal, you will jot it down for quick reference.

Mobile phones have a note section. This is a very good option but research shows that writing with a pen makes remembering easier than typing in a mobile phone.  Thus, a pen and a paper are recommended.

8. Colored pens or pencils

Colors make things beautiful and distinguished. Buy a set of pens or pencils and it will be easier to plan your journal. They help differentiate what is more important from what is not.

9. Access to a large number of books

Excellent writers consume many books. If you’re a writer, it’s natural that you enjoy reading.  It’s likely that reading is already a large part of your daily routine. And if it isn’t, it’s time to change that.

Every day, try to write for at least 30 minutes. Alternatively, depending on your current commitment level, read one new book every two weeks or once a month.

To sum up

Writing has become a full-time job for many. Every writer needs all the necessary tools to be productive. You need a comfortable environment, good laptops and other tools mentioned above. Don’t be mean to yourself. 


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