7 Tips for Strengthening Your Cat’s Immune System
Like humans, cats can get sick from seasonal viruses and illnesses they can catch from their feline friends.
And like humans, having a strong immune system is also vital in keeping your cat healthy and protected from various types of ailments.
If your cat’s immune system is weak, she will be more prone to getting infected by nasty bacteria and viruses, thus getting sick easily.
Boosting Your Cat’s Immunity
Strengthening your furry friend’s immune system is crucial to helping her combat various germs and diseases and stay healthy and happy.
Below are seven tips you can follow to bolster your cat’s immune system:
1. Ensure your cat has a healthy diet.
Like humans, animals also depend greatly on the food they eat to boost their immune system and keep it strong and healthy.
Because of this, you need to give your cat the right food.
Look for wet or dry cat food rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help regulate your cat’s immune responses and directly attack infections and cancers.
Examples of these nutrients include supplemental arginine, vitamins A, C, and E, protein, selenium, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Aside from boosting your cat’s immune system, these nutrients can also give your pet sufficient energy and strengthen the other functions and parts of her body.
Keep in mind that not all cat foods are equal. Some products contain potentially unhealthy ingredients, such as fillers, by-products, and chemical preservatives.
If you keep feeding your pet low-quality food that contains these ingredients, you could be depriving her of the key nutrients she needs. This can weaken her immune system and make her more vulnerable to various illnesses.
2. Give your pet supplements.
If your cat is on the elderly side, consider giving her supplements.
Supplements rich in omega-3 fatty acids, l-arginine, and yeast-derived nucleotides can boost the immunity of your cat.
The right supplement can also improve your pet’s overall health.
One particular supplement you should put on the top of your list is probiotics. When you give your cat probiotics, you introduce beneficial bacteria into her gut, which will promote balance, good digestion, and better health, all of which can help bolster her immunity.
Regardless of the age of your kitty, if you want to give her any supplement, ask your veterinarian first to be sure you get the right product that will improve and support your cat’s immune system and overall well-being.
3. Avoid stressing your cat.
Stress can weaken a person or animal’s immune system. It can wear down the body’s defences, making it more vulnerable to inflammation and, ultimately, infections and illnesses.
To minimise your cat’s stress, follow these tips:
- Feed your pet nutritious food she likes.
- Give her access to clean, fresh water.
- Ensure your pet has a clean, cosy cat bed.
- Keep her litter boxes clean.
- Provide your cat with a good-quality scratching post.
Lastly, studies also show that cats find classical music relaxing, so play this type of music frequently in your home or whenever you are with your furry friend.
4. Include play and exercise in your kitty’s daily routine.
When a cat exercises daily, she becomes stronger and can maintain good health and weight. Kitties that get regular workouts can also blow off steam and reduce stress.
Also, exercising can keep your kitty mentally stimulated.
Because of this, make it a habit to play and get your cat moving. Buy interactive toys, such as wand toys, to get your pet on her feet, running, and being frisky.
Get automatic cat toys so that you keep your pet busy when you aren’t available or don’t have the time to play with her.
However, make sure you switch toys regularly so that your pet doesn’t get bored playing.
5. Help your cat maintain a healthy weight.
When your cat is overweight, her organs, joints, and immune system get weaker. As such, you need to help your pet maintain a healthy weight.
Feeding your cat good-quality Dubai pet food is a good start for helping her maintain a good weight.
Also, ask your veterinarian how many calories your cat should get daily for her body type and situation. Next, determine how many calories are in your pet food and figure out the amount you have to feed her every day.
You can then divide this daily food allotment into two or three meals for the day.
Be wary of giving your pet too many treats. This is because any snack you give her counts against her daily calorie intake.
Because of this, minimise the treats you give your pet. Also, make sure you choose healthy ones.
If you are feeding your cat kibbles, you can give them out as treats as snacks or rewards.
6. Minimise your cat’s exposure to chemicals.
Frequent exposure to chemicals can make your cat’s immune system and body weak.
For this reason, limit your pet’s exposure to different types of chemicals. These include poor-quality flea and tick treatments.
Some of these treatments contain toxic chemicals that are harmful to both pets and humans. As such, try to look for a product that has fewer of these ingredients and more organic ones.
Also, use these products according to the manufacturer’s directions and avoid overusing them.
You can also ask your veterinarian for safe flea and tick treatments they recommend.
Additionally, try to limit your cat’s exposure to toxins inside and outside your home. These include chemical cleaning products, insecticides, polluted indoor air, volatile organic compounds or VOCs from carpets and paint, and fertilisers.
Minimise your use of these indoor cleaning products or choose safer, organic items.
If you can’t avoid using them, bring your cat outdoors when cleaning or disinfecting your home. Also, check that your air conditioner is always in good condition to ensure it is emitting clean, healthy air.
7. Limit your cat’s use of antibiotics and steroids.
Although your kitty may need these medications in certain situations, avoid giving your pet these treatments frequently.
Giving your cat antibiotics and steroids frequently can do more harm than good to your pet. Their immune system may be compromised and they may develop resistance to these medications in the long run.
With these in mind, always consult your veterinarian when giving antibiotics and steroids to your cat. Avoid treating your pet on your own.
Also, give your pet only the prescribed amounts of these medications within the recommended period.
Following these tips can help your cat build a strong immune system, which can keep them from getting sick easily, and give them a happier, healthier, longer life.