Interesting Developments in Driverless Vehicle Technology


Driverless vehicles are the future. Many people are aware of this new technology, and companies worldwide invest billions of dollars in driverless vehicle research.

For years, driverless cars have been tested on public roads, and some even argue that autonomous vehicles will be on our streets within a decade.

But what is changing that makes driverless cars possible? What has happened recently to make them more appealing? And what does this mean for your future commute?

In this post, we’ll explore how close we are to having a fleet of these cars operating on public roads.  One would have to wonder how much safer our roads will be from car accidents when driverless vehicles become the norm.  In the meantime you can visit the site of a personal injury lawyer for accident claims assistance.

Autonomous Driving

Autonomous driving is a feature that allows the vehicle to drive itself. It combines sensors, cameras, and GPS and can be used with adaptive cruise control and lane departure warning for added functionality.

There are three autonomous driving modes: traffic jam assist (TJA), highway pilot, and city pilot.

TJA limits speed between 25-80km/h on motorways or freeways; it accelerates, brakes, and steers automatically so that drivers don’t have to take their hands off the wheel or feet off pedals while traveling at low speeds.

Highway pilots can keep cars just one car length behind other vehicles without moving into the next lane when there’s no space between them; this helps you avoid accidents caused by sudden braking by other drivers when they suddenly switch lanes without checking their mirrors first.

City pilots also use sensors to detect objects around your car at close range so that you’re always aware if there’s anything nearby, such as pedestrians crossing streets while jogging up ahead of us while we’re driving down residential streets near our homes during rush hour traffic times (not recommended).

Automated Parking

Several cars with parking assistance features are already capable of automatic parking, and the technology is expected to improve as it becomes more widespread.

Driverless parking is a safety feature that frees the driver to do other things, like work or reading, while they wait for their car to park.

Automated vehicles may also help with traffic management by communicating with one another to coordinate movements and route themselves around congested areas.

This type of “intelligent transportation” could reduce the need for roadwork or other infrastructure improvement by minimizing congestion on roads in built-up areas.

Traffic Jam Assistance

Traffic Jam Assistance is an optional feature that allows your vehicle to drive autonomously in traffic jams with speeds reaching 60 km/h.

The system uses radar sensors and cameras to detect vehicles ahead, lane markings, and other road features.

The system then builds a driving strategy based on this information, which it executes by controlling steering and acceleration/deceleration.

The system can keep you at a safe distance behind the car ahead in stop-and-go traffic, even if you’re following another vehicle that stops suddenly for some reason.

Traffic Jam Assist also controls your speed if there is an area with no speed limit posted in your navigation system and when trucks or buses pass by on either side (see video above).

Accident Prevention

Accident prevention is one of the essential functions of driverless cars. It’s also one of the most challenging functions for driverless vehicles because it requires them to make split-second decisions about responding to complex situations that are far more complicated than those humans can handle.

Fortunately, autonomous vehicles are already better than humans at accident prevention, and they’re only going to get better as we refine their software and hardware over time.

Pedestrian, Cyclist, and Animal Detection

The system for detecting pedestrians and cyclists combines radar and cameras.

Radar sensors detect objects in the vehicle’s path, while cameras provide additional information about their size, shape, and distance from the car.

In detecting pedestrians directly in front of the car, cameras can also spot them on sidewalks or alongside roads.

The system combines all this data with map information to determine what the pedestrian is doing (i.e., walking across a crosswalk), how they’re moving (i.e., jaywalking), and when they’ll come into contact with your car (i.e., heading straight toward you).

Once the system detects a pedestrian, it alerts the driver with a visual and audible warning. If the driver doesn’t respond, the vehicle will automatically apply brakes to avoid hitting them.

The system works with cameras, radar, and lidar (light detection and ranging) sensors to detect pedestrians in front of the car.

In addition to detecting pedestrians directly in front of the car, cameras can also spot them on sidewalks or alongside roads.

Auto-Braking and Collision Avoidance

Auto-braking and collision avoidance are some of the most important driverless car technologies because they’re designed to prevent accidents.

The system detects other vehicles using cameras and sensors or pedestrians in your path, warns you with a dashboard warning light, sounds an alarm in your car, or applies brakes if necessary.

Auto-braking can detect obstacles ahead and behind you up to about 300 feet (91 meters) away and apply full braking power if necessary.

It’s beneficial for avoiding frontal collisions with vehicles traveling up to 18 mph (29 kph).

However, auto-braking can’t do everything; it won’t stop your vehicle if a collision is imminent.

This situation will mitigate the impact as much as possible while maintaining control over steering so that you maintain control of your vehicle when hitting something like a parked car or telephone pole at high speed.

Driverless car technology is developing quickly.

It’s becoming more reliable, affordable, and accessible. As a result, it’s also becoming more accepted by the public.

Driverless cars are not yet legal. However, many states have passed legislation allowing driverless vehicles to be tested on public roadways.


Driverless vehicles are coming, and they will be here sooner than most people think. Current driverless car technology trends have shown that companies are making steady progress toward creating autonomous driving systems.

There are still many difficulties to clear before fully self-driving cars are available. Still, recent advances in artificial intelligence and sensor technology have made this goal seem more achievable than ever.


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