The DLC of Life is Strange: True Colors is an integral part of the game 

There are already two parts of Life is Strange that was released a few years ago, both stories are based on a girl and a boy who have strange magical powers which they cannot control and have caused them great harm in many ways. While it wasn’t their fault that they had these powers, they suffer the most. Life is Strange: True Colors focuses on Alex Chen and his brother Gabe, but Life is Strange: Wavelengths, the DLC released in October, focuses the story on True Colors’ key supporting character, Steph Gingrich. People who have to contend Life is Strange: Before the Storm apprehend her pretty well, as do anyone who’ had an affair together with her in True Colors. 

Almost more of an epilogue to Before the Storm than an introduction to True Colors, Wavelengths is that the better of Life is Strange, and enriches the mistily supernatural world of a character anchored in reality.  Wavelengths may be a lot of smaller expertise than True Colors, and it takes place entirely at the Haven Springs record store that Alex is aware of and loves. It’ an intimate examine a time of change in Steph’s life Astoria Greengrass. You progress to the charming country town on a whim, or rather a gamble, once going geographic region Bay for Seattle. 

Wavelengths begin Steph’s initial day as a replacement native DJ and record store manager. I control Steph, head of the booth to play music, answer caller questions, manage the record store and develop a spunk clone. It’s all very simple and well-written, a quiet snippet of Steph’s life that belies the isolation Steph feels like a queer woman in a rural town who supports but doesn’t understand. Also, complete the survival trauma in Arcadia Bay which left a death trail regardless of the ending you choose. 

Wavelengths focus on a topic that often fascinates me in games, films, and books: How do normal people in these worlds, those without important powers and stories, deal with the trauma left by the continuation of someone else’s story? Back in Wavelengths, where Steph admits she didn’t face her past; we see it through Steph’s thoughts and brooding while she works at the booth and in the record store, in the sometimes pompous, flirtatious conversations in the dating app, or when answering questions like “Psychic Radio” about her DJ on duty. 

These “psychic” passages seem particularly clever: instead of having real psychic powers that wouldn’t necessarily be amazing in a “Life is Strange” game, Steph uses her W20 to start the future of people, and then your result gets me myself. These on-air conversations end up revealing a lot about the people of Haven Springs, about being a queer person in a small town and escaping your past vera bradley backpack

It’s a short, crisp experience without the big True Colors twists and turns, but it has the same punch as this main story, which recalls the masterful live RPG sequence of True Colors and again rejects supernatural elements to focus on the pure and focus on simple human nature. The wavelengths end exactly where you would expect, right at the beginning of True Colors. Anyway, Steph feels like the same character, but she’s changed forever.


Delving deep beneath the surface, Jason unveils the mysteries of the aquatic world. At, he casts light on the obscure, sharing revelations and wonders from the watery depths.

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